I love this pooch

I love this pooch
Lola, My Showgirl

Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Years Resolution

Ok, so clearly its been a while since my last post, but as part of my new years resolution and a little inspiration from a friend I'm BACK! My goal is to post at least once a week for the remainder of the year. Sound good?

A quick update, the bathroom has been finished for about 4 months now-with some finishing touches being completed up until this past weekend. B-Diddy (my Dad) came over Thanksgiving and fixed my difficult sliding pocket door, then my friend Ryan came this past weekend and touched up my wack paint job. Apparently I'm not good at creating straight lines for where the ceiling and walls meet, so his work is much appreciated.

Here is a quick synapses of what needed to happen to complete the project:
First I had to extend the outlets out using spacers to become flush with the bead board:

Before *Yuck*:

Spacers click like legos and had replace switches with new pretty white ones

Place spacers behind the new switches

Yay for the pretty white finished switches

This type of outlet is hard to replace because of the hard copper wiring wrapped around the screws of the outlet. My fingers hurt after replacing this bad boy:

Next came silicone and silicone is a tricky bitch. My Mom aka Mrs Home Depot Lumber Queen said that it was pretty easy to use and gave me the tips of 1) don't cut the dispensing hole in the silicone too large or you'll squeeze out too much and 2)I could just use my finger to smooth it in the joints. Well just like everything else, it was quite the learning experience. I put the silicone tube into the pump contraption and tried to poke a hole in the tip, but I couldn't reach far enough to puncture the tube. I had to keep cutting so I could reach the tube, but by doing so it made the hole size huuuuge-I ended up getting gobs and gobs of the stuff everywhere. As far as smoothing the silicone with my fingers, I ran out of clean fingers to use! When I finished every finger, pinkie included had a bit of silicone on it-not so easy! I freaked out when it didn't wash off with water no matter how much soap I used. I found an old ratty sock and used it to schmear it off my fingers. Later on I decided to use one of those silicone tools and it worked much better with less mess.
So here we are at the end of this project. Lets have a quick recap of the before-ah love that metallic ceiling and textured paint:

And now drumroll please dadadaa: AFTER!

No more home projects for me for a while!

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